How ServiceNow uses AIOps to avoid outages and drive efficiencies across their IT landscape

ServiceNow’s AIOps pinpoints on-premise and in-cloud issues before any organizational or customer impact

As the digital transformation wave continues, enterprise IT organizations are over-burdened with event noise from monitoring tools, service outages, and expectations of 24/7 service. But ServiceNow’s AIOps engine helps provide better insights into events, and then acts to automatically resolve issues. Learn more when you watch our webinar: Now on Now: Transform IT Operations with AIOps. You’ll hear how we transformed processes from manual, repetitive and reactive to automated, predictive and proactive. You’ll also learn how AIOps:

  • Identifies trends that indicate potential service events
  • Pinpoints the root causes of outages and other issues
  • Reduces event noise from multiple monitoring tools

Venkat Lakshminarayanan, vice president, application development, ServiceNow
Madhuri Manikonda, director, digital technology operations, ServiceNow
Usman Sindhu, director, product marketing, ServiceNow

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